Tillhub Developer Portal
Welcome to the Tillhub dev docs. Find inspiration for your next project!
API first
The Tillhub API is the Heart of Tillhubs Retail OS, providing you with all the business logic you need to create a solid environment for you or your customers.
REST Interface
Easy communication between your projects and the API through our RESTfull webservices. We communicate in JSON. {"msg": "Hi there!"}
# Tillhub for Developers
Welcome to Tillhub! Here you can find information and tutorials about our products, that should help you in making the first steps in the Tillhub Retail OS. If you are brand new to tillhubs ecosystem, and just want to start integrating into Tillhub services, check out (this example tutorial to build your first integration
You have the questions, we have the answers!
# Can I get a testaccount?
Sure! If you are developing a special implementation, middleware, or integration for yourself, or contact us yourself or let your client contact us directly. We are more than happy to provide you with a sandbox or testing account. Just shoot us an E-Mail at engineering@tillhub.de
# Which countries and currencies do you support?
Tillhub is active in 10+ European countries, to find out more visit us under tillhub.de (opens new window). If you find your currency or country to be missing, we are happy to extend our range of currencies and supported countries. The Tillhub system is prepared to be rolled out globally. Just contact us under engineering@tillhub.de
# Can someone help us with technical support?
If you are looking for support for any rolled out system, please call our hotline under 030 346 496 43. If you are looking for support on technical level, please contact Second Level Support. If you are seeking development support, then our developer advocates, product owners, and development team is there to help! Just contact us under engineering@tillhub.de